Monday, October 31, 2011

Mission to Peru Auction

The Peru team has been very hard at work!  They will be putting on a terrific auction event on December 3 in order to raise funds for their mission project in June 2012.  A lot of things are planned for the evening and it's going to rock your socks off.

There is no obligation to bid or buy anything - just come, eat some free desserts, drink coffee and hear what the team has planned for their project to Cusco, Peru.

Here is a sneak peek at some of the items that will be auctioned off:
- new housewares
- restaurant gift certificates
- a motorcycle
- free hotel night on the coast
- free labor
- auto repair package
- much much more!

Please come and, more importantly, invite your friends!  ALL are welcome to come hear what this mission to Peru is all about.  It will be held at Cascade Middle School on December 3rd at 7:00pm.  Hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

82 Cents - It Can Save a Life

Many of you might know of Nazarene Child Sponsorship, but did you know how much they need YOU?  Countless children around the globe are either on a waiting list for sponsorship or have been put back on the list due to no longer being supported.

Nazarene Compassion Ministries (NCM) comes alongside Nazarene congregations around the world to clothe, shelter, feed, heal, educate and live in solidarity with those who suffer under oppression, injustice, violence, poverty, hunger and disease.

Nazarene Child Sponsorship is an NCM ministry that partners with local Nazarene churches actively ministering to their communities with sponsors like you to act on behalf of children suffering under these overwhelmingly difficult situations.

Did you know this only takes $25 a month?  For you, that might take a sacrifice of one latte a week, one shirt a month or even one less soda pop a day.  Just $25 a month covers the needs of a child - physical, emotional, relational, intellectual and spiritual needs.  Can you support just one child?

This mother of 3 makes time in her busy schedule for the needs of one more child across the world...

And if this 6th grader can do it surely you can, too!

This is a serious commitment.  These children need you.  Pray about the challenge and commit to supporting and loving at least one child until they are grown.  Not only will you change their lives, but through your relationship and correspondence with them, they will change yours.

Click here to sponsor a child or comment below if you have more questions.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Radi Center is Going Strong!

Over 50 of you (Eugene 1st members) had the privilege to volunteer in Argentina in various capacities.  Medical clinics were held, tons of kids' activities were put on, and 10 churches were planted!

However, some of you toiled and labored for days on end to create one of the most well-used facilities in South America.  We just wanted to share a little update.  The Bruno Radi Convention Center is used 7 days a week, for both church events and community events.

These pictures are from an Interdenominational Christian Leadership Conference.  There were over 3500 people there!

And here is a little video with even more details on how the building is being used.

Praise the Lord for this ministry and YOUR hands that helped make it happen.  Thank you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fearless Ministry in the South Pacific

Harmon and Cindy Schmelzenbach, along with their son Quinton shared powerful testimonies and recounted mission field experiences yesterday at Eugene First.

For those of you who could not make it - whether in person or on the live feed - click the video below to watch it!  You won't regret it.

September 18, 2011 ~ FEAR NOT! (A powerful message on missions from the Schmelzenbach Family) (HD) from Eugene First Nazarene on Vimeo.

We also had some fun afterwards at Roaring Rapids!

Please remember to pray for this family as they continue to travel and share the good news about what God is doing in the South Pacific.  Pray they have the encouragement from other churches as well as sustained energy in their travel schedule.

Praise the Lord for the work this family is doing for the expansion of God's Kingdom!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ladies at the Eugene Mission

The serving never stops here in Eugene!  Our Ladies Ministry has officially begun their latest new form of reaching and serving others.

Our church has been approved for a small time slot at the Eugene Mission and during that time a small message from the Word is shared with women and children.  Some other activities were also introduced and all the ladies who helped out were inspired and excited for the next time.

We would like to ask you to pray for this new ministry.  The women and children they will be reaching are in a hard place in their lives and need this.  Pray that God works through this new team of gals to connect with the individuals He brings to the sessions.  Pray for miracles and lives to be changed in the name of Jesus!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Stephen Ministries - Love in Action

Have you heard of Stephen Ministries?  Do you want to know more about it?  We'd like to challenge you to prayerfully consider a new step in your call to serve others
This ministry is about training you to be able to care for people in a powerful way.  There are six months of training and then you will serve for 18 months after that.

Applications for the new class are due Sunday and can be picked up in the church lobby.

If you would like more information before that, hear testimonies of how it has worked for our church or have any other questions, click here to email us.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Project Hope Video

Project Hope was a giant success last weekend!  Dozens of people from our church teamed up with First Baptist and Fairfield Baptist to volunteer their time to serve our community.  Check out this video that captures all their hard work and serving:

PROJECT HOPE from Eugene First Nazarene on Vimeo.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Info Meeting This Sunday

For those of you who even think you are interested in (or maybe you just want to learn more about) serving the Lord in Cusco, Peru next summer, make time to come to our little Informational Meeting this Sunday.

Don't worry about pushing lunch off for a few minutes - we have brought Peruvian snacks up from Peru just this week for just this meeting!

We need construction workers, medical workers and a LOT of people just willing to serve wherever the local missionaries need them.  Come join us, hear more details about the project, and ask us questions!

The meeting will be after 2nd service around 12:20pm.

Monday, August 8, 2011

LINKS Missionaries Month

What does LINKS stand for, anyway?
Loving, Interested Nazarenes, Knowing and Sharing

Every two years each Naz church is assigned LINKS missionaries -so that the missionary can feel connected and supported and prayed for.  Our current LINKS missionaries are:

The Cyr Family: Monte, Bethany, Amy, Bryan, Robbie & Nkele

Wanda Terry, retired missionary to Swaziland
 Please say a little prayer for the Cyr Family and Wanda today.  They are on the forefront of Kingdom building and need the power of prayer protection surrounding them daily.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Missionary Louws in Creswell

Last time we went down to Creswell to hear from missionaries, we had a blast!  This time should be just as special, because the missionaries in town are Mark & Linda Louw from the Africa West field.

Our team that just went down to Malawi was privileged to get to know them during their mission project and the Creswell church has invited us to share the evening with them!

Sunday evening begins at 6:00pm with a potluck (bring a little something to share) and the service follows that.  Would you like to carpool?  Send us an email by clicking here.  Otherwise, see you all down there!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Few More NYC Pictures

As we shared the first time, one of the main service projects our teens did was clean up a big park.  They worked HARD in the SUN.  Here are a few more pictures:

Also, another one of the main goals of NYC 2011 was to package up full meals to be shipped to a hurting developing country.  The goal was 250,000 bags (each easily feeding a family of 6), but ended up packaging over 266,000!!

Way to go teens!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Peru 2012

For those who missed the announcement yesterday in church or on the live feed, we are participating in a missions project in June 2012 in Cusco, Peru!

This is an official Jesus Film Project and also Extreme Nazarene Project, so the spots are filling fast!  We need medical workers (both licensed or just willing), kid/teen volunteers, other outreach volunteers, construction volunteers, and more!

The first of two main focuses of this project is to support the long-term 40/40 missionaries already on the field.  As the 40/40s in the video above describe, periodic large teams like us can make a HUGE difference in helping them in their ministry - holding larger events, reaching more people, making more contacts and just giving the 40/40s momentum and encouragement in their work for the Lord.

Secondly, we will be constructing a foam chapel for one of the churches these 40/40s have planted.  These buildings go from no foundation to fully completed in 2 weeks and can be a huge blessing and great tool for the church's growth and ministry.

Several from Eugene First have already signed up!  Because each project has a limited number of spots available, we encourage you to prayerfully consider joining us as soon as you can.  Email us here if you are interested.

High School or College student?
Been on a past Extreme Project?
Speak Spanish fluently?

These 3 things get you an automatic discount!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Project Hope

Mark your calendars, folks...

UPDATE: Opportunities to sign up for will be in the bulletins this coming Sunday morning!

More information to come on a great opportunity to serve your community!  Stay tuned...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Teens' Service Projects in Kentucky

Several of our teenagers flew to Louisville, Kentucky last Sunday to spend over a week digging deep into God's Word and challenging themselves to help make this world A World Unbroken.

Speakers, worship artists, service projects and workshops are just some of the exciting activities which will engage the students.  Our teens have already been hard at working serving!

Each teen packed a 2nd suitcase full of baby clothes & supplies.  They are donating them here.
Cleaning a baseball park in Louisville.
Briyon cleaning debris from the parking lot after a really bad storm.
Michaela cleaning the parking lot.
The boys putting fence toppers up.
Ali & Roxanne cleaning up some pretty smelly trash that had been there for a while!

Click here for more specifics on how to pray for Nazarene Youth Conference (NYC) and our teens!

Do you tweet?  Follow NYC's updates here and our updates here.