Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Clean Water & Packed Out Churches. . .

. . . Neither of which are a problem!

The team was able to visit the village of Chiimba (Chee-ihm-buh) that our own church member, Dave Lyle, had felt a special call toward.  Over a year ago, he worked hard on raising funds and making the dream of a new water well come true.  And now, not only were he and the rest of the team able to see it in person, they also witnessed the joy and excitement of the local people because of it.

The new well is being shown off by a couple of their local friends.
The old well produced yellow water and was the cause of 6 cholera deaths last year.
Everyone attended a church service that day in Chiimba.  After a while, the church building began to get so crowded they had to move outside under the shade of some trees.  Praise the Lord for packed out churches!
View of the congregation from the platform.
View from the back of the church before it became too full.
Pastor Les was able to teach the people of Chiimba for a while and, of course, entertain them as well.  After the service, lunch eventually arrived.  The team from Eugene First ate with three other visitors and the missionary couple, Wellington & Hellen Obbotte.  The local people did not eat with them.  While that was a little disappointing to our team, they quickly were explained that it is a cultural difference - it is important to them that the guests eat before anyone else.

After lunch, the team had lots of school supplies and small treats to hand out to the children in the village.  There were so many of them (about 300) that the line had to move pretty quickly, but children were very blessed and grateful.  The very young children received only two pieces if "penny candy" each while all the kids who were in school received two pieces of candy, a ballpoint pen and some notebooks.

Afterwards, while the children were still lined up, Pastor Moore spoke to them.  He reminded them of God's love for them, of our love for them and of the prayers that are said for them by people of Eugene First Church of the Nazarene.  Each age group's teach was then presented with two soccer balls!  This is a gift that exceeds anything else they presented them.  They love soccer!

As Pastor Les told them, let's remember to pray for those kiddos today and in the future.  Perhaps many of them will be part of that seminary graduating class in several years?  God has big plans for each one of them!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Children of Blessing & An Exciting Graduation

Several of the group members traveled to the care/treatment facility we have heard so much about in our weekend services.
This boy suffers from extreme Cerebral Palsy.
Children of Blessing is a care/treatment facility for children born with or suffering from many mental as well as physical disabilities.  Cerebral Palsy and Hydro-Encephalitis are the most common.  This is mostly due to the people not taking malaria medications, either due to superstitions about Western medication or just the inability to pay for it.  Africa has a huge problem with mosquitoes and until they can eradicate them or medicate their people, the problem will continue.

This little boy has no legs and walks on prosthetics.
 Our Eugene First members worked with kids on simple tasks, such as "sewing" eye-hand coordination exercises, but most importantly they were Jesus in the flesh to them.  If it weren't for Children of Blessing, many of the children would probably not be alive.  Our team assisted the organization greatly by just providing extra hands and loving on some children who need to be loved.  The people who run it are from the UK and have hearts for the Lord bigger than the continent!

Proud graduates: Justice, Leviticus, Dennis, Isaac and Peter

Saturday, June 25th, was the graduation from Nazarene Theological College of Central Africa.  There was a total of 55 students scheduled to graduate but one had passed away before the ceremony (the reality of AIDS in Africa).  However, for those 54 graduates and for the people of Africa it was a great day!  Many of these young men and women wish to serve God wherever He sends them.  Like most people, they long to travel and visit other countries, but they have a love for one place in particular.

They all chose to serve in Africa.

Pastor Moore was one of the speakers at the graduation.  With his usual enthusiasm and spirit-filled heart he inspired the graduates and guests alike.  He achieved numerous laughs with the able assistance of his translator, who often appeared to be ad-libbing at times.  But Pastor playfully caught him and they created quite a duo at the early morning ceremony.

College Chaplain Chinsinsi Phiri, Pastor Les Moore and Academic Dean Joe Lilema

- The sick children due to the serious Malaria problem.
- The leaders/facilitators of Children of Blessing.
- The new graduates as they enter the world of ministry and reach out to Africa.
- The team from Eugene First - their health, energy, and call to serve.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Highlights from Mega Sports Camp

Thanks to all of you who volunteered their time last week to reach out to the children in our city.  Here is a highlight video:

God definitely planted seeds in the hearts of many little ones thanks to those of you who responded to the call to serve!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Soccer Nets & Nervous Coffee

God has brought our team from Eugene First safely to Lilongwe, Malawi.  They are serving the people around them every day and being blessed in the process!

The kids from the nearby elementary school were surprised by the Schwin family and a couple others with new soccer nets.  They loved it!  The young adults and teens were on their cell phones immediately, and, before they knew it, there was a soccer match scheduled for 2:30 in the afternoon - THAT DAY!

Pastor Les is apparently so much in his element, with his passion to serve, that we might not ever get him back to Eugene!  One of his teammates said, "He has so much energy he makes coffee nervous."  Pray that he and the rest of the team will be able to keep up this energy level.  And praise God that all are still very healthy and even the mosquitoes are keeping at bay!

"It is amazing how fast and how well we have connected with the people...they love our 
humor and energy" - Anna Marie

Today the team is traveling to a treatment/care center for disabled children.  Pray for them as they travel, serve others and share Christ's love with hurting children.  Pray for miracles and lives changed!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pre-Teen Outreach in South America

Somebody had a BIG call to reach out to pre-teens in South America...

Through many hours of planning, praying, and filming, an entire TV show was created.  Industria X (or Industry X) is a fiction comedy for pre-teens that reveals the redemptive and restoring power of God's grace through the church.

The plot follows four childhood friends that discover their mission and purpose in a colorful workshop repairing damaged appliances for their neighborhood.  Through challenges, inspiration, mistakes and follies, this team learns they can use their creativity to solve their neighbors' problems, while gaining new insights into life itself.

Each month the Church of the Nazarene has a different focus in order to bring together believers in unity to build up different ministries in group prayer and awareness.  June happens to emphasize World Mission Broadcast.  The primary objective of Industria X is to develop modern, attractive discipleship material for pre-teens to use in multiple ways at the local church level.  The second objective is to offer a TV show series centered around Kingdom values, to both Christian and non-Christian TV channels in order to connect pre-teens and their families to the gospel.

Please take a moment to pray for this new ministry in South America for pre-teens.  It's a vital age and these kids need to be reached.

Photos and article portions by Robin Radi, Sunday School & Discipleship Coordinator for South America

Friday, June 17, 2011

Don't Forget - Mega Sports!

Can you help us out and be a volunteer at this next week?  Call the number above to sign up.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Off to Malawi

Last year a few of our EFCN folks spent some time serving those in need in Lilongwe, Malawi.

A child living on the streets.
Dave handing out soap to the local children.
Sephra and Lyn with Grace and Trimore, two students at NTCCA.

This year, many more are going...

Challenge: Look at these little children's faces and take a moment to pray for them.  Pray that our team will be effective in their ministry.  Pray for safe travels for these short-term missionaries as they leave this Sunday.  And pray that God's will be done through those He is sending!

Jesus says, "GO and DO as I have commanded you, and I will always be by your side."  
Paraphrase from Matthew 28:18-20.

>> >> >> Stay tuned for periodic updates from the team in Lilongwe! << << <<

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mega Sports Camp 2011

Do you like sports?  Do you like kids?  Do you like volunteering or maybe feel called to start?

Let me challenge you to carve out a few hours a night for only 4 nights to serve your local community here in Eugene, Oregon.  You may have only answered one of those questions with a "yes," but we can definitely still use you!

Eugene First Church of the Nazarene is hosting a Mega Sports Camp from June 20-23, 6:30 - 8:00pm.  It's for 1st - 5th graders and we need lots of helpers!  If you can volunteer with us, please call (541) 484-1814 to sign up.

If you can't help during the week, there is one more opportunity: on Saturday, June 18, we need a large team for canvassing flyers.  We will meet at Bethel Community Park to pick up flyers, be assigned a nearby neighborhood area and invite kids!  Call the number above if you can help anytime between 10:00-5:00 on that day.

In the meantime, please pray for all the workers and leaders of the event as they prepare for a fun week.  Pray for all the kiddos who will be attending, that an impact is made in their lives in a positive Christlike way.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Skinners Coming to Creswell

 Do you remember the last time you heard a missionary speak?  Wasn't it inspiring and encouraging?  Definitely!  So come join us Tuesday night, June 7th as we head down to Creswell, Oregon to hear from some great missionaries in person.  Bob & Colleen Skinner will be sharing with the men and women, respectively, in separate locations.  Come be motivated by pictures and stories from the mission field in Ukraine, Armenia and more.
Also, please be in prayer for the Skinner family during their deputation weeks - that they stay healthy during all the travel and that God speaks through them and touches many lives throughout.
Listen in Sunday School this Sunday for a chance to sign up - or leave a comment below to let us know you'd like to come along with us!  More details on directions and times will be announced on Sunday.